HR's Responsibility on the Employee Occupational Health and Safety

What is OSH? 

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of hazards. Its goal is to prevent accidents and harm to people from work-related activities.(Vincensini.P 2023),

What is the role of the HRM on the OHS

Ensure that the organization invests in a proactive safety culture; that investment, when done right, will prevent injuries, incidents, and other issues. A key piece of this is training and development that helps workers to be safe.

Every employee should have the right to show up to work, to do their job successfully, to do it in a safe environment, and to come home to their family after the workday.


The ways that the Human Resource Management can effectively maintain and improve workplace safety & Health.

There are many ways HR and health & safety can work collaboratively to shift health and safety, engagement and organizational performance. 

Culture and Leadership Development:  To create a safe work environment and a proactive preventative culture, HR Leaders play a key role in facilitating the cultural and leadership capability that underpins a safety culture.  

Business Continuity Planning:  HR and health & safety teams have been working closely together with risk teams to provide employees with direction on safe work.

Organisational Design and Job Design: Workplace accidents and injuries can be avoided through consideration of physical and psychological workload, deadlines, repetitiveness, rostering and length of shifts, physical exhaustion, tiredness, stress and resource planning. It is essential that the right profiles are recruited into the company to ensure they demonstrate commitment to safe work practices and possess the necessary qualifications and licenses to perform the job.

Training and Development: It is vital that an organization meets or exceeds its work health & safety legal obligations, and this involves HR to deliver on outstanding induction, training and development, management and leadership development and ensuring compliance with specific policies, processes and procedures.

Mental Health and Well-being: Increased awareness of physical and mental health can increase commitment to safe work practices, and safety culture generally.  Physical conditioning associated with exercise programs can improve posture, improve work tolerance and strength and assist in relieving workplace stress. 

Working Conditions : Employers are required to provide and maintain a minimal level of facilities for the welfare of employees.   The increase in the incidence of working from home arrangements also creates a requirement for employers to ensure that the home workplace is safe in a sustainable way and does not pose an additional risk of injury to the employee. HR and health & safety overlap in policies and procedures such as codes of conduct, managing grievances, bullying, harassment, and discrimination, alcohol and drug use, regardless of whether in person, on video conferencing or social media. (Jury.P 2020)

General Hierarchy Of Control Measures

Javed.B (2018), 

The responsibility of administrative control is under human resources in order make sure the workplace is free from occupational health and safety. 

Information to be provided for people in a workplace include: 

  • who is at risk and why; 
  • how to carry out specific tasks safely; 
  • correct operation of equipment; 
  • emergency action; 
  • accident and hazard reporting procedures; 
  • the safety responsibilities of individual people. 

Provide welfare facilities for the employees.

Welfare facilities include general workplace ventilation, lighting and heating, drinking water, sanitation, and washing facilities. There is also a requirement to provide eating and restrooms. Risk control may be enhanced by providing eye washing and shower facilities after certain accidents.(Javed.B 2018), 


Failure to implement effective policies and precautions can lead to injuries, reduced productivity due to the absence or loss of skilled labor, workers' compensation claims, and possible penalties from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Hence, the implementing, practicing and controlling the proper occupational health and safety policies & procedures at the work place is the responsibility of the Human Resources professionals.


Javed.B (2018), (General Hierarchy Of Control Measures [online], Available at, Accessed on 28th March 2023
Jury.p(2020). HR and Health & Safety: Essential Partners in the New Normal,[online], Available at, Accessed on 26th March 2023
Safeopedia,(2021), Occupational Health and Safety,[online], available at Accessed on 26th March 2023.

Vincensini.P(2023),Occupational health and safety,[online] Available at,people%20from%20work%2Drelated%20activities, Accessed on 28th March 2023)


  1. The article discussed well 'employees health and safety' measures. Its goal is to prevent accidents and injuries to employees. How far this concept working in all sectors of the organization ? and which industries implementing the health and safety measures ? What's your argument?

  2. Hi Azeem, Health and safety is not applicable for all the sectors, accidents can happen any place. Even at the office environment ergonomic issues can happen. the office environment has not been designed well, Ex. Hight of the chairs, tables, repetitive motion are not properly addressing the workplace accident may happen, it may be acute or chronic. The employees are assigned in duties at different workstations Ex. work at height, confine spaces, handling chemicals and harmful substance etc. Hence, establishing a safe workplace is the responsibility of the management including the HR. Especially following the hierarchy of the health and safety, the responsibility of the administrative control part should handle by the HR with assistance of the HSE Officer. Therefore, health and safety are applicable for all the industries.

  3. A good read for understanding levels of HR's responsibility. A good way of improving occupational health and safety could be through learning and development.

    1. Thank you Chamuda for the comment. Yes, HR has to play a major role OHS in all the aspects, especially on the psychological, physical, ergonomics. The provide a safe place to work for the employees is the responsibility of the HRM

  4. I think this is a very applicable topic. As you mentioned ergonomic issues can direct to accidents at workplace. But should mention that, with the country's current unstable financial situation, Mental health and wellbeing of employees are at greater risk with high pressure at work. And same is common in almost every industry. In Sri Lanka, an IFC study on the gendered impacts of COVID-19 on employment in Sri Lanka's private sector highlighted that around one quarter of Sri Lankan women and men reported being distracted at work due to health, stress, or mental well-being related issues.

    1. OHS is a broad subject in a working environment, as HR professionals the risk assessments to be done periodically and identify future risks and address those in advance with the priority basis. Addressing and monitoring the employee stress levels, employee health condition and wellbeing measures should be addressed with one to one discussion, counseling, annual medical screening etc.

  5. Comprehensive article, the reputation and productivity of a business are impacted by occupational safety. in the current context customers seeking to place their products and services with standardized company from OHS, so It is important for businesses of all shapes and sizes to examine their workplace safety. If a business wants to better its procedures, it must be able to adapt and learn from mistakes.

    1. Thank you Asanka for your valuable comments on the article and pointing out the importance of stablish the OHS practices in the workplace.

  6. Hi Great article. I have few experiences with the construction field. During that I have experienced much occupational health and safety at the highest concentrated level but when it comes to the practical aspects it gives the lowest concentrated priority. Because organizations should have to provide maximum safety to the employee and expect productivity as a return. what do you think about it?

    1. Thank you for adding your personal experience on the subjected matter, yes, providing maximum safety to the employees in the organization is a paramount responsibility of the business leaders in order to reduce the risks and to eliminate the future accidents.

  7. Interesting & insightful article. Employee rights and responsibilities are an important aspect of any workplace. As an employee, you have the right to a safe working environment, freedom from discrimination, and protection under labor laws. You also have the responsibility to follow company processes, policies, and procedures, show up to work on day to day, and act professionally toward coworkers and customers. Keep up the good work & Good luck.


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