Organizational culture makes a great place to work


What is the workplace culture and why is it important?

Culture is the character and personality of the organization. It makes the business unique and is the sum of its values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviors, and attitudes. Positive workplace culture attracts talent, drives engagement, impacts happiness and satisfaction, and affects performance. Organizational culture has not been documented such as policies or procedures.  

The organizational culture is important to SHRM,

·         Attracts talent - Candidates will evaluate the organization and its climate. A strong, positive, clearly defined, and well-communicated culture attracts talent that fits.

·         Drives engagement and retention. Culture impacts how employees interact with their work and the organization.

·         Impacts happiness and satisfaction. Employee happiness and satisfaction are linked to a strong workplace culture.

·         Affects performance. Organizations with stronger cultures outperform their competitors financially and are generally more successful. (ERC,2019)

Different workplace cultures

      ·         Adhocracy Culture - Focuses on innovation and isn’t afraid to take risks.

·         Clan Culture - Employees function is more like a family. These types of company cultures are most common in small, family-owned businesses.

·         Customer-Focused Culture - Put the customer experience first.

·         Hierarchy Culture - Hierarchy cultures are the most traditional workplaces. They rely on a structure of upper managers, supervisors, and employees of various ranks with appropriate responsibilities.

·         Market-Driven Culture - Focuses on getting to market. This type of culture is results-oriented, hard-working, demanding, and highly competitive.

·         Purpose-Driven Culture - Giving back is always the goal. This means companies tend to divert part of their profits to charities they deem important.

·         Innovative Culture - focus on constantly coming up with the latest and greatest ideas to improve processes and offer services that meet consumers’ current and unanticipated needs.

·         Creative Culture - creating new products, stories, and services every day. (O.C.Tenner.2023)


Leadership and Culture & employee engagements

Business leaders’ statements of the best cultured organizations.

“My job as a leader is to make sure everybody in the company has great opportunities, and that they feel they’re having a meaningful impact.” - Larry Page (Heinle.A,2023)

“Every day, when I woke up, I was not very happy. I even did not want to go to the office to work,” Eric Yuan, before he founded Zoom (Heinle.A,2023)



The organizational culture is unique in each organization, the organizational culture has not been documented and published. Organizational culture is the beliefs, practices, values, attitude towards achieving common objectives. Organizational success depends on its culture in attracting the best talents, retaining them for a long period & developing the talents, creating an engaged workforce. To make the great workplace to work, the HRM has to play a major role in creating and maintaining the organizational best culture for the betterment of the organization and the team members. The organizational leadership style and the vision, mission, values, and purposes are directly contributed to the organizational culture and the change the culture for the next level.



ERC,2019, making workplaces, [online] available at, accessed on (16.4.2023)

O.C.Tenner.2023, company culture [online] available at, accessed on 17.4.2023

Heinle.A,2023, outstanding company culture, [online], available at , (accessed on 17.4.2023)



  1. Good article, I agree that organizational culture can affect a variety of factors, including personnel retention and engagement, and is essential to an organization's success. In order to establish and preserve a positive culture, HRM is crucial, and leadership is crucial in determining the culture. It's crucial to understand that creating a positive culture can take time and work, but it can have long-term benefits.

    1. Thank for your comments and adding some insights on the culture and its crucial contribution for organizational successes and employee career development in all ways.

  2. Great topic choosen Chamara!!
    According to Hastwell (2021) by receiving a score of 98% from Cisco employees who chose their firm as the finest to work for, Cisco reportedly became one of the greatest places to work in the world in 2020. Over the years, Cisco has solidified its service culture. All employees receive the time and resources they need to support their local communities.
    Service programs are showing to have a good impact on business outcomes, despite some people's concerns that the time spent away from the office is distracting. The price of Cisco stock has soared past $50, marking a 20-year high.
    As a result of doing the right thing, employees all across the world are motivated to work at a firm they are proud of, according to CEO Chuck Robbins.
    Looking at an example like Cisco might seem intimidating — after all, they’re a huge company with vast resources to devote to creating a great company culture, and not all businesses have that.

    Here’s the good news: fostering a positive company culture doesn’t mean you have to mimic Cisco. There are numerous things you can do to improve your company culture. Such as:
    Trust worthy management

    1. Thank for your valuable comments on the article and adding some real-life information to elaborate the concept. As you mentioned the company value and visible management commitment are crucial to change the organizational culture in better way to gain the expected end results in years come.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A positive workplace culture is one that is built on meaningful work, open communication, and core values. And lucky for employers who have one, once an employee is embraced by a strong workplace culture like this, they don’t have many reasons to leave.(BLOZNALIS,2022, .You have highlighted the importance of work place culture like Employee Engagement, decreased turn over with Retention ,Talent identify, top Performance and work place cultures clan culture, Hierarchy culture, Adhocracy culture, Market Culture and Leadership with work place culture.

    Effective leadership is one of the greatest fundamentals to building great organizational cultures. A leader can be anyone who has influence or authority, regardless of title, and leaders set the tone for organizational culture.(O.C.Tanner,

    The author should have considered including in this article the impact of the current economic crisis on workplace culture, as most organizations are concentrating on increasing engagement with their staff and retaining them in the organization.

  5. The article is well-written and informative, providing a great starting point for those interested in understanding the impact of culture on organizations.

  6. A thorough and concise blog on organisational culture that provides great insight into a human sensitive topic such as employment culture. The blog certainly provides an outlined idea f the concept for both novice and professional audiences. Furthermore, the blog's concise and point form nature provides information in a attractive manners thus helping myself understand the content much easier. Also utilizing models and thesis from Heinle, A. (2023) which are very informative to myself.

  7. One of the many issues that today's business leaders must concentrate on is corporate culture. Be that as it may, it appears to be less clear the way in which pioneers ought to move toward the issue. Culture feeds on itself, so managers who think they can decide for themselves how the company's culture should look are wrong. The misconception that management can introduce culture into an existing organization is always dangerous because culture is already present. However, it is open to leadership's influence. Understanding the organization's current driving forces and applying them to the intended culture is the key. If leaders want employees to maximize productivity, complete projects on time and accurately, and contribute to the success of the business, they must ensure that each member of the team is aware of exactly what is expected of them. In any case, setting clear assumptions is some of the time not exactly simple or easy inside a bustling association, and there are "correct" ways and "wrong" ways of doing as such.
    When a leader attempts to clarify for employees what is going to be expected of them in their roles, a lot can go wrong, whether they are unintentionally unclear, expect too much, or come across as micromanaging. With employees, we can talk about a few "right" ways to set expectations.


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