Workplace Ethical behavior and the involvement of HRM


What are the ethics in Human Resources Management

Ethics in human resource management are the treatment of employees with decency and justice, and the application of moral standards to the personal aspects of the business enterprise. It helps an organization embed and uphold its values and build and improve employee trust and relations. It covers many issues such as hiring, promotion, discrimination, harassment, privacy, and safety.

According to tBritannice, ethics refer to the philosophical study of the concepts of moral right and wrong and moral good and bad, to any philosophical theory of what is morally right and wrong or morally good and bad, and to any system or code of moral rules, principles, or values. The last may be associated with particular religions, cultures, professions, or virtually any other group that is at least partly characterized by its moral outlook. (Britannica,2023),


Applicable theories on ethics in organization behavior & culture


The deontological class of ethical theories states that people should adhere to their obligations and duties when engaged in decision making when ethics are in play. This means that a person will follow his or her obligations to another individual or society because upholding one’s duty is what is considered ethically correct.


Utilitarian ethical theories are based on one’s ability to predict the consequences of an action. To a utilitarian, the choice that yields the greatest benefit to the most people is the one that is ethically correct. There are two types of utilitarianism, act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism.


In ethical theories based on rights, the rights established by a society are protected and given the highest priority. Rights are considered to be ethically correct and valid since a large population endorses them. Individuals may also bestow rights upon others if they have the ability and resources to do so.


The virtue ethical theory judges a person by his/her character rather than by an action that may deviate from his/her normal behavior. It takes the person’s morals, reputation, and motivation into account when rating an unusual and irregular behavior that is considered unethical. (Dsef,2023)


What the ethics should understand, follow ,and implement at the organization.

·        Understanding the Legal Things 

·         Compensation Knowledge -

·         Employment Ethnics

·         Personal Issues

·         Gender & Race Discrimination

·         Understanding Conflicts of Interests

·         Promoting Diversity

·         Keeping Important Details Confidential

·         Becoming an Ethical Leader (101hrm,2023),


Employee and organizational benefits in maintaining good ethics in the workplace

·         Better ethical climate

·         Employee commitment and trust

·         Investor loyalty and trust

·         Customer satisfaction and trust

·         Long term profit (Ansary. Ahmed, 2019)



The HRM has a key role in promoting ethical behavior in hiring, promotions, discrimination, harassment, health, and safety in the organization. Managing and controlling teams and departments with following the standards of procedures, process, terms and conditions, cord of conducts and live with the vision, mission, purpose, values, and pledges is the main responsibility of the business leaders including the HRM. Specially pay attention and act on the community involvement, corporate governance, fair trade, and sustainability. Organizational ethics and best practices will help to run the business with the sustainable development which is considering its people, planet, and the profits. When it comes to people, work with the county law, no involvement of child of force labor, gender discrimination, ethnicity, religion. Controls on bulling, harassments, establish a mechanism for employee voice, development of the strategy on equality and diversity. Act as corporate governance and always eliminating the unethical conducts and enforce the ethical conducts all times at the organization.  




Ansary. Ahemed, (2019),[online], available at, , (accessed on 16.4.2023)

Britannica,2023, [online] available at,, accessed on (16.4.2023)

Dsef,2023, The University of Texas at Arlingtonhttps,[online] available at :// accessed on 15.4.(2023)

101hrm,(2023), [online] available at, accessed on (16.4.2023)



  1. This is a fantastic article. The ethical issue is the most crucial aspect of your theme.
    In the topic of human resource management, ethical problems are highly discussed. Employment issues, safety issues, performance appraisal, fair treatment and opportunity, and other ethical difficulties may emerge in any firm. Such concerns create a conflict situation in the workplace, so ethical practices must be implemented in the business to keep the conflict at bay.

  2. Great Article, I believe ethics in HRM include safety in the workplace, respect, fairness, privacy, basic human rights, and justifiable treatment of employees etc, and also Treat people with dignity, respect, and compassion to foster a trusting work environment free of harassment, intimidation, and unlawful discrimination. To practice good ethics inside the organization, the legal frame should be much strong within the organization. what do you think about it?

  3. The crucial role that HRM plays in promoting moral behavior at work—including hiring, promoting, avoiding discrimination and harassment, and guaranteeing employee health and safety—is emphasised in this article. It is emphasised how crucial it is to uphold standards, procedures, and company principles along with how necessary it is to engage the community, practice fair trade, and practice sustainability. The comment highlights the significance of corporate ethics and best practices in order to promote sustainable development that takes into account people, the environment, and profits. The need of adhering to local laws and prohibiting unethical behavior, such as child labor or forced labor, gender discrimination, bullying, and harassment, is also emphasized. Overall, the comment emphasizes the importance of fostering a moral, just, and multicultural corporate culture.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Great article by Chamara highlighting the important aspects of HRM (Human Resource Management) involvement in workplace ethical behavior. HRM is involved in promoting workplace ethical behavior by developing and implementing ethical policies and procedures, providing ethical training to employees, monitoring ethical behavior, and taking action to address ethical violations. HRM plays a critical role in creating a culture of ethical behavior within an organization and ensuring that employees understand the importance of ethical conduct. By promoting ethical behavior, HRM helps to build trust and integrity within the workplace, which can lead to increased employee satisfaction and improved organizational performance.

  6. Problems with discrimination, sexual harassment, and unfair hiring practices can cause businesses to lose customers, potential business partners, and future workers. Human resource management is fundamentally concerned with how people should be handled, compensated, taught, and expected to work. It's also concerned with how hard they should work, how they should be reprimanded, and how their employment should be ended. Human resource professionals created a code of ethics to address them, and ethical HR directors must make difficult choices.


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